Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Queer People of Color Retreat/Celebration!!!!!

Queer People of COlor Retreat/ Celebration!
Celina is looking to hook up so we can do some vanpooling!!! let's ride!

What is this retreat all about?

It is a queer focused (but not queer exclusive) super chill
gathering/retreat/bangin' celebration for radical people of color
hosted in the city of Portland, OR by some fellow QPOCs.

It is a celebration of our art, music, and burgeoning communities with an
emphasis on self-care.

The weekend long fiesta will take place from
August 8-11, 2008.


We as people of color must develop a more balanced relationship with
struggle: one that encompasses not only dialogue and conflict but also
love and care for ourselves and each other.

It can be hard to
maintain nurturing relationships when we are all keenly aware of the
collective sense of urgency concerning the future our communities and
our planet.

But it is impossible to enact sustainable change when we
are coming from a place of woundedness.

The focus of this weekend is a different rhythm entirely.

This weekend we are allowing ourselves to take the space and time to create
new connections and loving interactions.

We are celebrating our accomplishments and strengths as well as our right to sit down to a good meal and take a deep breath.

So many times our relationships are
built on the ways we suffer in the world.

We'd like to shift the focus back to care for ourselves and each other so that we can fight from the place of grounded-ness instead of a place of disconnect from
our bodies and souls.

Tentative Schedule
(note: the actual final hard copy schedule will contain addresses and
descriptions of workshops)

Friday August 8th:

7pm: Meet and Greet Barbeque/Discussion
@ Adee, Andrea and Sarah's House

Saturday August 9th:

11am: River Retreat and Picnic
Grounding workshop with Sarah Sass
Art Heart with Adee Roberson

10pm: Dance party with DJ Noelia
@ TBA (open to all)
Sunday August 10th:

11am: Brown Brunch/Part II Discussion
@ Gloria's house

3pm: Self-Defense Workshop with Andrea Genevieve

7pm: People of Color Art and Music Show!
@ TBA (open to all)

Monday August 11th:
11am: Closing Ceremony

Who's invited?

This retreat is for people of color only.

People of color of all genders and sexualities are welcome to attend.

We ask that white folks be respectful of our space and only attend those events
designated "open to all".

Check the schedule for details!

PLEASE RSVP at blackmagicsoulpower@gmail.com
We want to get an idea of how many of y'all are coming! Please email
us if you need a place to stay or have any concerns!

If you're interested in helping organize ride shares, please email us.

If anyone is interested in leading a workshop/skill share please
contact us at the above email address.

Contributions to the art show must be sent by August 1, 2008.

Send art to:
Adee Roberson
5265 NE 14th Pl.
Portland, OR 97211

Drug and alcohol use:
We ask that during this weekend everyone be respectful of each other's

Please do not bring alcohol to workshops or come
(i.e intoxicated) to workshops. Save it for the dance party.

Ps. also we are still working on venues so if people have suggestions as far as venues and one's that are accessibile please contact us.

by email or call adee 510 590 8497

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